Discount & Special Offer Codes
Do I need to enter a code for the Lucky Dip?
If we have a free Lucky Dip Offer with applicable purchase, you DO NOT need to enter a code, if you meet the minimum purchase requirement, we will just add them to applicable orders. Any shipping, tax, etc. costs DO NOT count towards the spend minimum.
Our Lucky Dips are usually from the Erstwilder brand, but this is not guaranteed & subject to availability.
Free shipping?
On Erstwilder launch days ONLY we have free shipping on JEWELRY orders with applicable purchases. Details are HERE.
We never have free shipping on headwear orders.
Do you have any discount codes?
We almost never have any discounts/sale offers on our headwear products and only very, very rarely offer discounts on our jewelry items. As a really small business, our margins are so tiny that there isn't room for discounts typically, but that means that you typically get a pretty good deal with our everyday low prices!
Any discount/offers will be posted on our social media, Facebook, Instagram, and/or the top of the relevant pages.
Where do I enter my discount or special offer code?
On the checkout screen. HERE:

I recently placed an order and now you're offering a discount / offer. Can I use it on my previous order?
We do not apply discounts to orders retroactively. If you would like to receive more frequent coupons, discounts or offers, please sign up for our emails or follow us on social media.
I have two special offer, can I use them both?
Our system only accepts one coupon at a time and will only apply the last code entered. Coupon codes and offers cannot be combined.
What is your price adjustment policy?
We do not retroactively adjust prices for items sold.
Can I use an expired discount code?
Do you accept wholesale orders or give discounts for a large amount of hats purchased for a party?
We DO NOT wholesale our jewelry.
We might offer a small discount on wholesale hat orders, for SELECT items. We aren't particularly interested in stocking our designs in other boutiques ATM. Our margins are so small we can't offer the typical wholesale discount of 40%-50%. Most of our our headpieces are handmade by us out of special materials we have limited amounts of. We absolutely do not wholesale our butterfly items as they made out of delicate feathers.
If you have a party you want several hats for, contact us by filling out THIS FORM or email us at include your budget and number of hats you want.
We might have samples or ways of simplifying designs to fit your budget.
Do you allow for rentals of your headwear?
No, due to health & sanitary reasons and the fact that almost all headpieces are custom pieces handmade to order.